Help avoid grass tetany (Hypomagnesia) in cattle and sheep with Uniblock’s Econo Mag bucket.
Econo Mag is the safest way to feed magnesium – it contains 2g of sugar for every 1g of magnesium. It is sweeter to guarantee protection yet hard enough to control intakes. It is formulated to maximise all trace elements which are lacking in pasture.
- Grass tetany is most common during Spring and Autumn months
- Cold spells of weather can encourage grass tetany
- Ruminants do not store magnesium and require a daily supply
- Costs just 3 cent/day.
- Available in 18kg bucket
- Buckets should be placed close to a water source to encourage intakes.
- 1 bucket should last 50 sheep for 10 days/ 7 cows for 10 days
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Help and Advice
What’s in your grass? #MineralsMatter – March 2021
It is very important when managing stock to manage their minerals! Our latest grass sample report gives a good insight into what minerals are lacking and what we need to supplement our grazing livestock for optimum health & performance.
Irish Grass Mineral Analysis Report #MineralsMatter – September 2020
Grass samples were collected across the country week commencing 21st September. On a whole, September has been quite a good month weather wise across the country. However, with ups and downs in temperatures we are experiencing colder nights and frosty mornings going forward into October.
Irish Grass Mineral Analysis Report #MineralsMatter – June 2020
Grass samples were collected across the country in mid-June. During this period, we saw much more rainfall compared to the drought conditions in places during the month of May. We experienced average temperatures in the region of 12-15 °C.
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Feed supplements, minerals and nutritional products for beef, dairy, sheep livestock and equine
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